Program Management Projects
On-Call Engineering Program Management Services
Client: Montara Water and Sanitary District (MWSD)
For over 10 years, SRT has been providing civil and water resources engineering services under an As-Needed Contract for Montara Water and Sanitary District (MWSD). Serving as an extension of the District’s staff, we have completed well over 50 projects, including: planning documents, feasibility studies, hydraulic modeling, conceptual engineering, pilot studies, detailed design, coordination with regulatory, resource, and government agencies, bidding and construction contract award support, and construction management.
SRT has provided detailed and responsive program management support to MWSD by offering a staff with diverse experience, resulting in cost-effective and specific expertise to meet all utility needs. When necessary, SRT also teams with trusted, specialized consultant partners to meet any client needs that that require additional expertise.
Our transparent approach and history of working seamlessly with the District’s staff has elevated SRT’s ability to respond quickly and efficiently to any as-needed requests made by MWSD or other clients.
Engineering Support Services and Staff Augmentation
Client: San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Water Enterprise, City Distribution Division (SFPUC CDD)
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) City Distribution Division (CDD) maintains and operates all distribution system facilities within the City of San Francisco. In addition, CDD’s Engineering Section is responsible for overseeing and supporting work by the operations crews, conducting detailed hydraulic analyses of the distribution system, coordinating with developers, planning preventative maintenance, and managing CDD assets.
SRT Consultants was retained to provide project management and engineering support services while augmenting CDD’s engineering staff on an on-call basis. The engineering tasks provided by SRT’s staff included: project review and recommendations for water facility relocations, hydraulic analysis services, asset management, cost-estimating, permitting, design reviews, developing project controls, planning and coordination for new services, and engineering services during construction.
On-Call Engineering Program Management Services
Client: St. Helena Hospital, St. Helena, CA
Planning and Feasibility Projects
Water Supply Feasibility Study
Client: San Lucas County Water District (SLCWD), County of Monterey, CA
Monterey County retained SRT through a partnership with AMEC/Foster Wheeler to provide a feasibility analysis, preliminary engineering, environmental review, and final design engineering services for the San Lucas Water Supply Project (Project). The Project was developed by the County in order to establish the best alternative for addressing ongoing water quality problems in the District’s groundwater supply and subsequently design and implement the selected alternative.
The feasibility study included the development of water supply alternatives based on potential water supply sources in the SLCWD region. SRT’s scope of services included detailed analysis of several water supply alternatives, focusing on physical, legal, administrative, operational, political, and economic feasibility of each alternative. Additionally, work included early and consistent stakeholder engagement, further defining key design parameters utilized to evaluate the alternatives, a comparison of alternatives, and recommendation of the most feasible alternative.
On-Call WaterCAD Hydraulic Modeling, Master Planning, and CIP Development
Client: Stanford University Utilities, Palo Alto, CA
Groundwater Supply Hydraulic Modeling Analysis
Client: San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Water Quality Division (SFPUC)
Pipeline Repair and Readiness Improvement Project
Client: San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC)
As-Needed Design of Storage and Conveyance Infrastructure Design
Client: San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), San Francisco, CA
SRT was retained by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission’s (SFPUC) City Distribution Division (CDD) to provide as-needed engineering services for the planning and design of new water storage and conveyance infrastructure as part of the redevelopment of Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island in the San Francisco Bay. Services included review of demand calculations and master plan review of the proposed low-pressure drinking water systems and recycled water systems. Services also included staff participation in several planning committees related to sub-division regulation development and streetscapes master planning related to the water distribution system design development.
SRT performed services as staff extension acting on behalf of CDD and in direct communication with SFPUC Wastewater Division, Engineering Management Bureau, Department of Public Works, and other City agencies related to this project.
Alternatives Analysis and Redesign of the Ramona Water System
Client: Western Water Conservation, Anza, CA
SRT was contracted by the Western Water Conservation (WWC) to develop a water supply alternative analysis and final design documents for the Ramona Water System (RWS) Reliability Improvement Project. Funded through Prop. 1, the project assists a rural community outside of Anza, California in Riverside County, with improving the water supply, storage, and distribution system reliability of their existing system. SRT was retained to plan and design the layout of a new water system for RWS to reliably serve existing customers.
Design and Construction Projects
Harry Tracy Water Treatment Plant Long-Term Improvement Project
Client: San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
Permitting, Design, and Construction Management of Two Drinking Water Tanks
Client: Montara Water and Sanitary District (MWSD), Montara, CA
At the initiation of the project, all existing Montara Water and Sanitary District (MWSD) water storage tanks were over 35 years old, with the oldest being over 50 years old. The focus of this project was to replace an existing 100,000-gallon concrete tank, built in 1959 by the U.S. Army and showing signs of severe deterioration, and construct a second tank at the site to provide redundancy and emergency storage for the District’s customers. The existing tank also served as a clear well for the pump station boosting water from the tank into the upper pressure zones.
The following two-phase approach was implemented:
Phase 1. Build the first welded steel tank and disconnect the dilapidated concrete tank from the distribution system.
Phase 2. Demolish the concrete tank and build the second welded steel tank in its place.
Sunset South Inlet Repair and Rehabilitation
Client: San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) City Distribution Division (CDD)
Permitting, Design, and Construction Management of a 0.5-Million – Gallon Potable Concrete Tank
Client: Montara Water and Sanitary District (MWSD), Montara, CA
Surface Water Treatment Plant Design and Implementation
Client: Girl Scouts of Northern California, Pescadero, CA
SRT Consultants was retained to design a cost-efficient surface water treatment plant for the Camp Butano Creek Girl Scout facility, provide as-needed assistance for the system installation, facilitate regulatory compliance, and develop O&M documents. The newly constructed facility included membrane filtration units followed by chlorine disinfection.
SRT services included alternative analysis, detailed design, project management, equipment installation support, regulatory compliance and permitting services, and development of standard operations procedures. The system design and O&M materials developed were developed to meet the requirements of the State Water Resources Control Board for the purposes of a permit amendment.
New Water System Design, Permitting, and Implementation
Client: Redwood Glen Camp and Conference Center, Loma Mar, CA
SRT was contracted by the Redwood Glen Camp & Conference Center, which owns and operates a small water system, to design, permit, and project manage the implementation of a new surface water system. Over the three (3) years of this project, SRT developed a water supply availability study, an alternative analysis report, conceptual engineering documents, and final plans and specifications for the Redwood Glen water system.
Following a consolidation study and groundwater supply exploration, it was determined that Redwood Glen would need to utilize its surface water sources as its main potable water supply. SRT evaluated the condition of the water system, performed a review of the supply alternatives, and developed a proposed design of storage, transmission piping, pumping and treatment facilities, taking into account Redwood Glen’s regulatory restrictions and environmental challenges.
Throughout this project, SRT successfully worked under tight budget constraints and deadlines, ultimately meeting all permitting goals and bringing the new water system through completion. Redwood Glen was awarded the AWWA California-Nevada Section Smaller Utilities Award in March 2019.
Operations and Maintenance Projects
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Development
Client: Alameda County Water District, Alameda, CA
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Development
Client: City of Palo Alto, Palo Alto, CA
Operational Support for the Bay Area Regional Desalination Project
Client: CCWD, EBMUD, SFPUC, SCVWD (managed by EBMUD)
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Development
Client: Port of Oakland, Oakland, CA
Water Quality Studies and Analysis Projects
Surface Water Hypolimnetic Oxygenation Feasibility Study
Client: City of Napa, Napa, CA
Water Quality Evaluations for Private Clients
Client: Confidential
Arsenic Pilot Study and Small System Regulatory Compliance
Client: Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), CA